
using wayland with nvidia drivers

Wayland does not play well with proprietary drivers especially with Nvidia. But some time installing Nvidia drivers to use with Evonycontrol, which is way better than any Nvidia Optimus System Managers. If you are using Gnome, it will automatically disable Wayland upon first install. But with Linux, there is always way around. First of all, edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf and see and comment out the line containing WaylandEnable=false. This file should look like after editing

# GDM configuration storage daemon
# Uncomment the line below to force the login screen to use Xorg

Edit /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules and comment out below two lines. This is the only case in my experience.

# RUN+="/usr/lib/gdm-runtime-config set daemon PreferredDisplayServer xorg"

# RUN+="/usr/lib/gdm-runtime-config set daemon WaylandEnable false"

kms-modifiers must be enabled through gsettings. Try the following command

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features '["kms-modifiers"]

Enable modesetting for nvdia drivers. Follow the Arch Wiki Instructions. Also make sure to double check xorg-xwayland and egl-wayland are installed. The most important thing, Reboot. Congratulations, Gnome is running with Wayland despite Nvidia drivers. This will only work for arch linux. I have not tried it on any other Linux.